1 hr. Virtual Session

The Complete EFT Method

Discover how to tap into the negative so you can connect to the positive more permanently

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (a.k.a. Tapping)?

Everything is energy. Emotions are no different. Like anything in a current or flow, sometimes it can become stuck or trapped in our bodies, which can cause all sorts of havoc. Trapped emotions can cause illness, both physical and mental.

Dr. Emoto, a Japanese scientist, showed through his experiment that depending on what you say (emote) to water, it can change its structure. Since we are mostly made up of water, we can see how words, thoughts, and emotions can affect us in a very real physical sense.

EFT Is an energy healing technique that uses physically tapping on meridian points on the upper body to release the energy that is blocked or stuck in our bodies. We are complex beings with a physical, tangible body as well as a spirit body AND an energy (subtle/vital) body.

Meridians are akin to the "circulatory system," or the train tracks of our energy bodies, where there are many hubs/connection points. If there is a blockage in the line, the energy trains cannot flow freely and can back up causing problems both emotionally as well as physically.

In The Complete EFT Method©, we use a combination of tapping on these meridian points (smaller hubs), pranayam (breathwork), and eye movement to help ease, and unblock energy blocks. These blocks can present themselves as limiting beliefs, mental or physical illness.

How to know if you're

ready to create

Your Joyful Life Quickstart Guide

How to Know if The Complete EFT Method©  Right for You?

You are ready to release stuck negative emotional patterns

Remember that time you had to lock yourself in the bathroom to feel safe to sob your guts out, hoping no one would knock on the door, because you just didn't know anything except that you felt like the world was pressing down on you from every side? We're going to unravel those emotions.

You are ready to take charge of your emotions

Ready to feel like you can steer your thoughts away from the vortex of doom of spinning in the incessantly persistent negative self-talk that constantly beats you down?

You are ready to allow yourself to feel

Ready to accept that all your feelings/emotions are ok. Stop shaming yourself into feeling like you're a bad person for feeling sad, angry or maybe even like throat-punching your perceived villain?

What People are Saying:

Cybele has met with me several times. She has helped me through quite a number of emotions. Her ability to pinpoint which specific emotion was bothering me was so intuitive! I started the session saying I was experiencing fear. Cybele figured out there were a couple of deeper emotions under the fear. At the end of each session, I feel distinctly better. I love how Cybele leaves me with an affirmation to carry afterwards. She is using God’s gifts to help me!

Pam Schmidt

Chemical Minimalist


THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS! After 4-5 sessions with Cybele, two of the things I really struggled with are resolved! Cybele is intuitive, patient and kind. She helps you dig down to uncover the underlying source of your problem.

Susan Gleaton




We start with a prayer

I am only just a vessel/guide, using God's tools and talents He's given me. So, I like to invite the Master Healer and His angels to guide us in our journey/session. Accessing the right source and intention are essencial for true healing to occur.

Work on a specific issue

We work with our energy body to tap into and out of our negative emotions, emotional, or energy blocks. We will also intuitively work on what your highest priority may be (sometimes, it's not what you thought it was).

Create an alignment statement

Start to re-align your energy with The Creator, by utilizing the power of the atonement for us (forgiveness and acceptance). We invite the power of The Master Healer (Christ) to help us with what needs to be done.

Use the breath

The breath is the vehicle for prana (life-force energy) and we use it to help shift our emotions along with the tapping. This enhances and magnifies the tapping.

Create an affirmation

Affirmations only work if you believe it in your heart and mind. We'll create a personalized, appropriate affirmation for you to use and maintain balance after we're done.

Hi! I'm Cybele!

I'm passionate about helping women own their emotions and limiting beliefs so they can serve others and be the strong, joyful, warrior women they were created to be!

But it wasn't always this way...

I used to not deal with my negative emotions, I would just do my best to just think positively and be grateful. Though that worked for in the moment things, it didn't take care the underlying issue.

Or worse... I would just ignore the problem altogether, pretend all was fine and dandy and, eventually blow up (before discovering the power of the breath, yoga, and EFT).

So, through what I learned from yoga, breath work, EFT, energy work, and science I went to work finding what could help me out of my misery.

That's why I became a certified yoga teacher and The Complete EFT Method certified practitioner... now I don't get as triggered, don't stew over my emotions/thoughts, and most importantly, I have started to heal my emotions, and I don't explode as often as I used to! Now, I'm still not perfect, but I'm so much better than I was before I found all these tools!

"Gratitude is joy, a grateful heart begets a joyful life." -Cybele

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