Cybele Cerchio


Joyful Life


My Story...

I was first diagnosed with severe chronic depression when I was 19. In my mind there was absolutely no reason for me to feel depressed: though I had just moved across the country, I had moved many, many times before to different countries. So, that couldn't be it.

I was fulfilling part of my dream! I was going to college and furthering my educational goals and dreams! I was having fun!

Fast forward a few years and I've married the love of my life and he is just wonderfully sweet, supportive and loving despite my feelings of inadequacy (especially when it came to depression and how it could affect our relationship).

I had all these blessings and, especially after having kids, I couldn't help but feel even more guilty, unworthy, and inadequate most of the time. "How could I be depressed when I had so much?," I thought. I had a wonderful man who loved me, I had food to eat, plenty of clothes, a comfortable roof over my head, people who cared about me.... And still, I wasn't the woman I had envisioned I would be. I had gone to therapy, taken all the drugs (and I mean ALL of them. I had even participated in a study for treatment resistant depression) and nothing seemed to make a real dent.

How could God bless me with such a great family, and place such sweet innocent souls under my care when I could barely care for my own self? Didn't they deserve more (like a better mom for starters)?! I barely had the energy to be vertical most of the time! Didn't my husband deserve a more loving companion too?

Fast forward a few more years and I had had enough! I knew that I deserved to feel better and that my kids deserved a more energetic mom and my husband deserved a better wife. The only thing that carried me through was my faith in God and the knowledge that my Heavenly Parents and Christ loved me. I knew they hadn't placed me here on earth to feel and be miserable, "men are that they might have joy," a phrase from scripture, would constantly creep into my thoughts as a reminder that the current state wasn't what I was meant to experience. That there was a way out.

I went through a depression recovery program and through much of my own personal research, learned about the tools necessary to heal myself and stop using antidepressants. Now, I want to help you feel like the worthy, joyful queen that you really are! I want to empower you to reconnect with your body and implement the tools to feel joy no matter what is going on around you.

You most likely aren't feeling as low as I felt, but, if you're a mom, you most likely feel those nagging feelings of guilt and of being unworthy. I'm here to tell you there's no need to feel that way and we start by having you stop putting yourself last.


Uplifted 200-Hour Certified Yoga Teacher

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